Packard Club Video

Packard videos are shared here for your enjoyment. If you have films or videos or if your Region made a video of a meet that your fellow members might enjoy, please contact our webmaster with the details.

1957 Packard Introduction & Studebaker-Packard Press Conference
1957 Packard Introduction & Studebaker-Packard Press Conference in Color
Wayne Parsons' 1938 Super Eight Packard'
Wayne Parsons Tells The Story Of His 1938 Super Eight Limousine
Packard Comes Home
Packard Centennial 4th of July Parade
Packard Centennial Magnum Opus
Coming Out Party – 1941
Packard's Torsion-Level Ride
A Lifetime with a 1932 Eight Deluxe 903 Coupe Roadster
Bill Allison's Cycle-Car and Packard vs. The Competition
FDR on the Motor Crisis, Washington DC, 1934
William Green and James Alvan Macauley, Sr. speaking on the auto strike settlement, Washington DC, March 1934
1904 Vanderbilt Cup Auto Race
1930 - Quality First - PMCC Officers & Factory
1930 - Quality First - Engineering & Manufacturing
1930 - Quality First - How Packard Builds a Body
1930 - Quality First - Shock Absorbing System
1930 - Quality First - Front Spring Trunnion
1930 - Quality First - How Packard Proves a Packard (I)
1930 - Quality First - How Packard Proves a Packard (II)
Uncrating the 1956 Predictor
The Packard Story - Film Strip