
This page is your connection to the history of the Packcard Motorcar.

Company Genesis

Warren, OhioA short story about the beginning of the Packard saga with the Warren era written by Roger T. White, descendant of G. L. Weiss, Co-Founder.

With the birth of the 19th Century, man's mechanical genius moved him from a slow walk to a fast pace under the power of an engine...

To set the stage, in 1898, our nation was involved with the great Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska and concerned about the Battle Ship Maine blowing up in Havana Harbor. The war in Spain was over while another war erupted in the Philippines in early 1899. The Boxer rebellion was on in China and a Hurricane hit Galveston, Texas killing 8,000 people. As you can see, the beginning of the century was filled with notable events and the public had little time to notice any new industries.

However, in Warren, Ohio, James Ward Packard, brother of William Doud Packard wrote to George Lewis Weiss on April 11, 1899, and suggested that they start their own automobile company. G. L. Weiss, a major stockholder in the Winton Motor Carriage Co., owned Winton # 4. J. W. Packard purchased Winton # 13 on August 13, 1898 and the two men became acquainted through their mutual interest in the automobile and the related problems with the Winton carriage. In the spring of 1899, J. W. Packard was bold to suggest to Alexander Winton how his automobile could be improved. A. Winton rebuffed him and the seeds for the Packard saga were planted.

On June 29th G. L. Weiss went to Warren and the decision was made to form a partnership to start manufacturing operations if he could entice Wm. A. (Bert) Hatcher, the Winton Plant Manager, to join him and the Packard brothers in Warren. J. W. Packard, W. D. Packard and G. L. Weiss each put up $3,000.00 to finance the venture when W. A. Hatcher signed a contract with them on July 3rd with them to develop a "practical" motor vehicle. All patents applied for were to be the property of "Packard & Weiss".

Throughout the summer and fall of 1899 work was carried out in the shops of the New York & Ohio Co., the incandescent lamp plant owned by the Packard brothers. J. W. Packard and Hatcher did design and development and George L Weiss handled procurement from Cleveland. W.D. Packard attended to the financial functions. On Nov. 2nd a new machine shop was opened to separate the automotive operations from the N.Y. & Ohio Co. The first Packard Model A was rolled out and tested in the snow on Nov. 7th. Finally, on Dec. 30th, 1899, the partners documented their relationship by signing a formal partnership agreement.

The year of 1900 was one of rapid and harmonious growth. Five Model A's were built. All were slightly different and experimental. One of the Packards was shipped to G. L. Weiss in Cleveland on April 13, 1900. It was a Model A and received good newspaper coverage. The objective now was to sell automobiles. Both W. D. Packard and G. L. Weiss took every opportunity they could to present the new car to the public. This was done mainly by making reliability runs around the eastern states. J. W. Packard and G. L. Weiss made a heavily publicized trip in the G. L. Weiss Model A from Cleveland to Buffalo in 13 1/2 hours on May 26, 1900.

The lessons learned with the Model A's, including the first use of an "H" pattern selective gear shift, resulted in the Model B which went into production in April. From that time till the end of 1900, 49 Model B Packards were produced, according to W. D. Packards diary.

In the summer of 1900, the Model C was introduced. Power was increased from 9 to 12 hp. and the steering wheel replaced the tiller. That was but one first in a long string of firsts which Packard pioneered that stimulated the automotive industry over the years. September marked the establishment of the first Packard agency in Painesville, Ohio. The company was now outgrowing the informal Packard-Weiss partnership and the decision was made to incorporate as the Ohio Automobile Co., with a capitalization of $100,000.00 and the same distribution of ownership. J. W. Packard was named president, G. L. Weiss Vice President and W. D. Packard Treasurer.

In November 1900 the big event was the 1st National Auto Show at Madison Square Garden. G. L. Weiss organized the company effort featuring the Model B and the new Model C. The Ohio Automobile Co. opened a branch at 487 Broadway, NYC and the Packard automobile was now moving into a position of national prominence.

By early 1901 the company had a backlog of orders and was able to buy its production facilities from the N.Y. & Ohio Co. and make a distribution to the principals plus a 50-share gift to Bert Hatcher.

The first experimental Model F was introduced at the National Auto Show in November, 1901. It was built on the Model C chassis especially for this event and lacked the front radiator which became the distinguishing feature on subsequent models. Packard was now synonymous with quality and cars sold well off the floor.

During 1901, Packard automobiles made a significant showing in the New York to Buffalo Endurance Run that began on September 9th. Of the 80 entries starting the race, 5 were Packards. At the end of the day, 39 cars including the five Packards reached Rochester. Two of the Packards held second and third places. Unfortunately, that was the day that President McKinley died and the race was not continued.

An unexpected visitor to the 1901 Auto Show was one Henry B. Joy, heir to a vast railroad fortune. Impressed with Packard quality, he bought two cars and acquired 100 shares of stock. In January 1902 he bought another 150 shares and showed up at the stockholders' meeting in Warren. He obviously had ideas for the company. Production was now up to one Model F per day. Expansion was rapid and there was an urgent need for more money. H. B. Joy wanted to bring his Detroit friends and family into the company.

In 1902, the Model G with 24 horsepower engine was completed in June and the design for the Model K was started. H. B. Joy purchased more stock and became actively involved in company operations. At a special stockholders' meeting in October 1902 the firm name was changed to the Packard Motor Car Co. and it was decided to make a stock offering of $250,000.00. The Detroit group subscribed to $150,000.00 of this amount and the control of the company passed from the founders to H. B. Joy and associates. Production was increased to 10 cars per day and the Detroit group pushed for a move to that city.

The crisis at this point was not one of money but of personalities. G. L. Weiss resigned in November 1902 and was followed by Bert Hatcher in January 1903. J. W. Packard submitted his resignation in July 1903, but recanted his resignation the following month at the insistence of to H. B. Joy. W.D. Packard left to run the N.Y. & Ohio lamp operation.

In the course of 1903 H. B. Joy bought a 66-acre site in Detroit and built the world's most modern automobile plant. The move to Detroit was completed on Oct. 10, 1903. J. W. Packard was in Detroit attending a board meeting two days before the new offices opened when he received notice that his mother had died. J. W. Packard returned to Warren immediately and never again took any active role in the administration of the company although he kept his Packard stock and his name appeared as president until 1909.

Thus, as in so many large corporations, within a few years the men with the original ideas passed from the scene and another group who, in this case, had the money, the drive and the vision to convert a small automobile company into a corporation of world renown.

As mentioned above, besides the First use of an "H" pattern selective gear shift (1899) and the First steering wheel instead of a tiller handle (1901), Packard also pioneered the following firsts in the automotive industry:

  • First use of an automatic spark advance. (1899)
  • Gray Wolf broke all American speed records, 77.58mph. (1904)1
  • First reinforced concrete factory building. (1905)2
  • First rumble seat. (1908)
  • First to locate hand brake on left of driver. (1915)
  • First American twelve cylinder engine. (1915)
  • First aluminum pistoned automobile engine. (1915)
  • First hypoid differential. (1925)
  • First hydraulic shock absorbers. (1926)
  • First backup lights. (1927)
  • First pressurized cooling system. (1933)
  • First oil temperature regulator. (1933)
  • First full flow oil filter. (1933)
  • First central automatic chassis lubricator system. (1933)
  • First automatic radiator shutters as standard equipment. (1933)
  • First "ride control" for control of shock absorber activity. (1933)
  • First self cleaning full flow oil filter. (1934)
  • First power hydraulic brakes. (1936)
  • First aluminum crankcase.
  • First automobile air conditioning, 18th Series. (1939)
  • First sealed beam headlights. (1939)
  • First padded dash. (1939)
  • First pleated upholstery. (1939)
  • First automatic windows. (1940)
  • First all steel station wagon. (1948)
  • First reverse rear window. (1953)
  • First application of torsion bar suspension in cars. (1955)
  • First electric load leveler. (1955)
  • First thermostatically controlled water circulation.
  • First to join the accelerator pedal and hand throttle.
  • First patent of automobile wheels interchangeable at hub.
  • First with ribbed jacket water-cooled cylinders.
  • First patent on radiator with top and bottom reservoirs w/tubes.
  • First in US with "trunnion block" which added to driving safety.
  • First package compartment in instrument panel.
  • First patent for a mechanical striping device.
  • First interior folding sun visors.
  • First constant action vacuum (pump aided) windshield wipers.
  • First to use lateral stabilizer.
  • First to use built-in under fender cooling tunnels.
  • First electrically controlled overdrive.
  • First with front and rear bumpers as standard equipment.
  • First to use balloon tires as standard equipment.
  • First use of limited slip differential.
  • First fiberglass body.
  • First gasoline driven car to climb Mt. Washington, NH
  • First filling station built by a Packard dealer. (LA, CA)
  • First transcontinental trip by a truck, a Packard Truck.
  • Only automobile with complete torsion suspension.
  • And yes, First to build and fly a diesel aircraft engine!

1On 1/1/1904 - The Gray Wolf made a five-mile record of 4:43.8 beating Winton's Winton Bullet 1 by 2.2 seconds. On 1/2/1904, Schmidt broke all American records for the mile in 51sec. On 1/3/1904, Schmidt slashed the mile to 46.6 for 77.58 mph, 0.4sec off the unlimited international mark, but was the best American record.

2PMCC Bldg. #10 in Detroit by Albert & Julius Kahn.

As a result of the care, craftsmanship and attention to detail put into every Packard produced, it's no wonder Packard became one of the premier automotive marques produced in America.

If you wanted to know a Packard's qualities, you were told "Ask The Man Who Owns One".

Trademark History

Packard ShieldHere is a detailed description of the trademark history for each of the prominent Packard Logos, namely: The Packard Script; The Packard Radiator; and The Packard Coat of Arm

"The Familiar Packard Script Logo shown on this page was used throughout the Packard Motor Company's life span. In addition to this trademark, the company had numerous other styles and types of product information. From the flowing lateral scroll work of the Ohio Automobile Company (as the company was known until October, 1902) to the Interlocked Studebaker-Packard symbols used during the years 1954-1958, their trademarks took on many forms and variations. The most well known styles included the script shown on this page and the radiator design (displayed prominently in their advertising from 1908-1929) to name a few. This trademark underwent many small variations during the early years, not settling on its final form seemingly until 1915 or later. The magazine advertisements of the earliest years show quite a variation in styles. Many of the early ad layouts reveal that great liberties were taken with the original script."...

"The earliest form of the script is shown on the Patent Office document dated April 1905, in which a script is shown to date back to the pre-automobile days of 1898. The Packard script trademark, in addition to the to being used on the products of the Packard Electric Company (now a part of G.M.) was used both on a brand of motor oil and a piano of the same name. The Packard Piano Company was founded in 1871 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by Isaac Packard, lasting supposedly until 1938. Although it seems coincidental that these scripts resemble one another, no known relationship between these companies or their founder exists."

"The familiar Packard radiator design first appeared in 1904. However, it was not used in its advertising until 1908. Probably the company didn't realize what they had created until several years had passed. Automobiles through about 1903 were in such a stage of experimentation that little thought was given to style development of a company logo. New forms of engines and transmissions, etc. were tried and perfected and put in a different place each year. Little or no attention was paid to continuity of style by the major manufacturers. Packard, Thomas, Stoddard-Dayton and Maxwell were a few of the first American cars coming out with distinctive lines, radiator wise during 1904-1908. An exception is the still famous "curved-dash" model Oldsmobile made as early as 1901 through 1904. At any rate, the radiator style having been more attractively re-proportioned, became a distinguishing feature (of a Packard) by 1908 and as such was promoted by the company. The shape of the radiator, of course, changed with the passing years and it came and went with various types of advertising art, all featuring the now famous radiator."

"A prominent design on the motometer was the Packard radiator shell outline, coupled with a bi-plane. This design dates back to 1919 and ran, with minor variations, to 1928 when it passed with the passing of the motometer which was mounted on the radiator cap. The airplane motif alludes to the Packard built aircraft engines. The last year of the radiator design as a principle advertising trademark was 1929, coincident with the introduction of a Coat of Arms from the Standard 8 sales catalog, 6th series. The radiator design was always popular as a dealer identification sign, clear through the 1930's and 1940's. Many Packard agencies had these signs, attractive in blue and white porcelain, swinging from a signpost or hanging on the outer walls of the dealership. The larger and older agencies frequently had cast brass plaques in the shape of radiators mounted by the entry to the showrooms."

"While other trademarks were used on the company's advertising and on its product, the familiar Packard Script is the one trademark which spans the company's entire history."

"The Packard Coat of Arms first appeared in November, 1928."

Description: "Gules, a cross lozengy between 4 roses or. A pelican in her piety."

"So, in the language of Ancient Heraldry is described the Coat of Arms and Crest of the old English Packard family, first transplanted to the new world by Samuel of that name in the year 1638 via the ship Diligent from Windham." "It was to be 290 years before that device was shown and known to fame in America — adopted with pride and as a mark of respect to James Ward Packard, and his brother and co-worker William, by the great company which they founded and lived to see win world leadership in the manufacture of fine cars. For it was not in the Packard code to adopt a crest without meaning or significance, and the Packards were not the men to press their personalities or family in the public eye. So for thirty years, the characteristic Packard radiator has neither borne nor needed a distinguishing symbol. But in 1929, with the passing of Ward and William Packard, they who built largely with their own hands the first Packard car, the Packard Company had appropriately adopted that family's Coat of Arms. The Packard Arms stands for Quality, Taste and Integrity — an ever-present pledge that the ideals established would be always faithfully upheld."

"Doubtless, the Coat of Arms was the source of inspiration for the mascot known variously as the Pelican and as the Cormorant, as it was called in different examples of the company's publications. This mascot first appeared, optionally, on the 1932 models and lasted nearly to the end of automobile production, although scarcely recognizable from near the end."

The "Hexagon" first appeared in September 1905 on the hubcap of a Model S or Model 24 painted Black. When Packard owners brought their Packard back to the Factory for overhaul, the center of the hubcap was painted Red to indicate it passed inspection. In 1913, the Hexagon was permanently made Red and became another Packard trademark.

Master Service Salesman's Creed

Salesman's CreedThe Service Department of the Distributor or Dealer has in its the power to make the slogan "Ask The Man Who Owns One" a great sales asset or a bad liability. Whether or not an owner is going to be satisfied with his car and with the service he receives, is a matter of how he and his car are handled by the Service Manager or Service Salesman. A Master Service Salesman has a CREED which he believes in and which he follows in his daily service work. Below is that Creed in edited text form.

The Master Service Salesman is not a super man. What he does is not impossible to expect in our service men. He has no degrees from institutions of higher education. He is just an intelligent, pleasant, sincere, honest individual who thinks in the terms of SELLING and who gives the owner what he wants in a logical, business-like way, using his common sense, training, experience and a good deal of resourcefulness...

Let the Master Service Salesman speak for himself.

Says he: "FIRST of all, I realize that to the car owner I AM the Packard Motor Car Company and I will endeavor to act accordingly. I know how everyone wants immediate attention nowadays. They simply will not stand for the slightest delay. They want to be able to sit in their cars — especially the women — and have a service salesman literally run to them with a pleasant greeting. And why shouldn't they expect this from us — they get it at the corner filling station. So I am going to try to wait on my customers the minute I see them come in the door, just as if their order was going to be worth a million dollars."

"Then I will wait on them just as if each owner was the one and only person I had been looking for, and as if servicing their particular car was the only thing the entire organization had on their minds for that day."

"And it doesn't cost me any more in fact it is a lot more fun than doing a slouchy, inattentive job which satisfies neither the customer nor myself."

"If I can't wait on my customers in this way, because I am waiting on another person, or talking on the 'phone, I am going to always recognize them with a wave of the hand or a pleasant word and assure them of my attention just as quickly as possible. And if time drags on I will occasionally reassure them of my anxiety to wait on them."

"I believe the car owner really wants to be told what his car needs mechanically. I think he would rather have an adjustment, or a part replaced, before trouble occurs, at a minimum of expense and loss of transportation, than to have something repaired after it has happened and perhaps with a disabled car at some most inopportune time, with a longer time required to fix the trouble, and all at a much greater cost. Therefore, I will look farther than the things he thinks he needs, and give him intelligent suggestions on the service he really needs. And I will urge him to follow a plan of monthly inspection which I will give the car without charge."

"I will always try to see the Owner's point of view, and to realize that it is never a pleasant job for a car owner to come to the service station and give up the use of his car even for a short time."

"I will appreciate how the owner feels who is forced to bring his car to the service station because of some trouble, and perhaps when he needs his car the most. And I will try to serve him just as I would like to have a service man serve me. If possible I would loan him a car if his needs were urgent. I would at least have him driven to his destination and would deliver his car to him when it was fixed."

"I am going to treat the owner of an old car with just as much respect, and with even more interested attention, if possible, than a new owner because the day will soon come when we should be able to count on this man to buy a new car, provided he has been satisfied with his car and the service attention I have given him."

"I am going to personally see to it that every mechanical case is diagnosed correctly, and I will write no order or make no statement until I am sure what is needed I am going to make no wild guesses to cause me grief later and shake my customer's confidence in me."

"I am going to write the kind of orders the mechanics in the shop will understand, and even then I will follow up to explain exactly what the owner had in mind."

When the job is done I am going to consider my most important duty is still undone until I have assured myself the car is just as the owner expected it to be, and if this is not the case, then I am going to see that he is told the truth — that in spite of in best efforts the car isn't quite right and that we will have to go after the elusive trouble again."

"I am going to see that my customers' cars are ready when promised, or that they have surely been notified with an explanation why this is impossible, and with regret expressed."

"I am going to see that my customers' cars leave the place cleaner than when they came in, if possible; with motors washed after a major motor repair job, and the car cleaned if it has become soiled or finger marked."

"Above all I am going to personally see that bills are correct and understandable, and that the owner has had a clear explanation of just what work was necessary and why the charges are what they are for each operation, and that they are very reasonable consistent with the completeness and quality of the job."

"I will be particularly careful about charges for little jobs and for work done while the owner waits. Better to undercharge than overcharge. Often a small job at no charge will create much good will."

"I will follow a liberal policy in not charging for the correction of anything defective about the car, believing that this is the best and cheapest advertising in the world."

"I would have the bookkeeper or accounting department arrange the method of payment with every customer. If it must be C.O.D., I will see that he is told so through the proper department and in the most courteous way. I will be sure there is a clear understanding and no offense."

"I will be scrupulously careful to thank our customers and express appreciation for their business."

"I am going to make it a rule never — under any circumstances — lose my temper. I will always realize that the owner's remarks, however insulting and disagreeable, are aimed at the Company I represent and not really at me, provided I have conducted myself courteously and in a business-like way. Therefore, I will take a perfectly impersonal attitude and keep a level head and a smooth temper."

"I am going to say too little rather than too much. A wise service man is a good listener and a very careful talker."

"I am never going to get into an argument with an owner because this never accomplishes satisfactory results."

"I am going to try to have all my owners satisfied with their cars, our service, and me. I say ME because I want to personalize our service and make our customers feel they have a real friend to look after their Service needs and some one personally interested in their car. This will make them want to come back, and it will make my job a lot easier and more pleasant."

"I will keep a definite and close contact with every one of my customers and will see to it that they come to my Service Station for all their service needs at regular intervals."

"I am going to be particularly careful and patient in investigating salesman's reports of owner complaints. After I have the complete story from both sides, I am going to see that the salesman gets it straight, because I want him to help me sell service. He will if he is sold on our service department and has confidence in me. Often I will call on a disgruntled owner with the salesman and I know, then, that everyone is going to feel a lot better when we get through because I am determined my customers shall get what is coming to them."

"I will never condemn the policy or knock the work, or the statements, of another Packard service man to an owner. Furthermore, I will do all I can to create a feeling of confidence and good will toward the Packard Company, the Packard car, and Packard Service everywhere."

"I am going to see to it that my service station is kept scrupulously clean and I am always going to be neat and clean in my personal appearance."

"I am not going to forget that my employer is in business to make some money. Therefore, I will always look upon the car owner as a potential buyer of Labor, Parts and Accessories in other words, these things are our Service Merchandise. I will be constantly on the alert to discover things the owner might be willingly sold. I emphasize willingly sold. By that, I mean that even though it may require some real salesmanship to sell him a motor recondition job or a brake relining or some accessories, he will be so well sold and satisfied with the purchase, that there will be no regrets. The transaction will go down as a mutually satisfactory one."

"As for accessories, I will never overlook the opportunity to suggest something from our list of accessory items which will add to the owner's comfort, convenience, safety or the appearance of his car. Accessories produce the highest percentage in profit of anything I have to sell. And they are very salable if I will just keep them always in mind, contacting my owners in the service station or by telephone, letter and circular. In furtherance of my determination to do a much better job of rendering Intelligent and Satisfying service, in the future, I am going to study every word of the Sales Course. I am thoroughly convinced I can get a tremendous lot of good out of it too. It is without doubt the best thing I've ever seen and is going to give me just what I need to supplement and perfect any selling ability I now have no matter how good I may, think I am."

"If our mechanics can fix the cars properly and if our service salesman will sell service more intelligently, then our owners are going to be enthusiastic about their Packards. And if that is so, then they are going to be our best car salesmen and also our best service and accessory customers. They will be less unreasonable when it comes to trading in the old car. This is my CREED — It is what I believe about my work. I am going to work to make EVERY PACKARD OWNER A SALESMAN."

[NOTE: The Packard Salemans' Creed is as appropriate today as it was when it was written.]

Packard — The First 50 Years

Ask The Man Who Owns OneHere you will find documented the First Half Century of America's Oldest Continuous Maker of Automobiles Under a Single Management:

The Packard Motor Car Company
(1899 - 1949)

These notes are the original script as documented by Packard, with a few editorial changes to protect the Copyright.

Follow the links (arrows) at the bottom of each page for subsequent chapters and the appendix. In the upper-right, click on Index to quickly select which chapter/appendix you'd like to read.

"Free Wheeling" — The Packard Story

Mr. Menno Duerkson was a contributing writer for Cars & Parts Magazine. In the early 70's, Mr. Duerkson wrote a four part article in his "Free Wheeling" column telling the "Packard Story" © . Both Mr. Duerkson and Cars & Parts Magazine have graciously given their permission to reprint the four part Packard article in its entirety to "Keep The Legend Alive!".

Permission to reprint the "Free Wheeling" four part "Packard Story" © at this website given expressly by Mr. Menno Duerkson and Cars & Parts Magazine.

Copyright © 1970 By Menno Duerkson — Contributing Writer for Cars & Parts Magazine — All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1970 Cars & Parts Magazine — All rights reserved.

When originally written, an Editor's Note thanked Packard Automobile Classics, Inc. (The Packard Club) for material and assistance in the preparation of the four part Packard series that appeared in Cars & Parts Magazine.

Follow the links (arrows) at the bottom of each page for subsequent chapters and the appendix. In the upper-right, click on Index to quickly select which chapter/appendix you'd like to read.

This Month in Packard History

People made Packard Motor Car Company (PMCC) the great company that it was. The former Editor of the club's Cormorant News Bulletin, Stuart Blond, has graciously provided "This Month in Packard History©".



  • O.E. Hunt, Chief Engineer -1918, born, Saranac, MI, October 1.


  • George T. Christopher, President 1942-49, born, Cloverland, IN, October 2.


  • Warren Packard II is born, October 5.


  • The first engine is finished. It produced 7.1 hp, October 30.


  • First meeting of Stockholders and Directors of Ohio Automobile Company. James Ward Packard becomes President, George Weiss becomes Vice-President, William Doud Packard becomes Treasurer, October 24.


  • Two Model F's shipped to second National Automobile Show, Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY, October 30.
  • "Ask The Man Who Owns One" appears for the first time, in a "Motor Age" Ad, October 31.


  • Name of company is changed to Packard Motor Car Company, October 13.


  • Last Board meeting is held in Warren, OH, October 8.
  • Mary Doud Packard, mother of William Doud and James Ward Packard, dies, October 9.
  • PMCC leaves Warren, OH for Detroit, MI, October 10.
  • Capital stock in the company is increased to $55,000, October 13.


  • First Model N produced, October.


  • Alvan T. Fuller is arrested for speeding, October 15.


  • James Ward Packard retires as PMCC President, October.


  • Second Series 38, (2-38), introduced, October.


  • Fifth Series 48 (5-48), introduced, October.


  • Phillip H. McMillan, Secretary, -1919, dies, October 4.


  • Archer L. Knapp becomes PMCC Body Engineer, October.


  • The Packard family crest appears on car for first time, October.


  • Joseph Boyer, Director 1903-04, dies, October 24.
  • Clyde Paton joins company as Chief Experimental Engineer, October


  • Canadian plant in Windsor, Ontario, starts production, October 1.


  • Truman H. Newberry, Director 1903-45, dies, age 80, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, October 3.
  • First post-war body mounted on chassis; Twenty-First Series Eight Standard and Eight Deluxe introduced, October 19.


  • Twenty-Third Series, (1950 model year), introduced, October 1.
  • George T. Christopher resigns as President, accepted by PMCC Board, October 4.
  • Packard-Boston franchise canceled by PMCC, October 6.


  • The Society of Motion Picture Art Directors names the Twenty-Fourth Series the "Most Beautiful Car of the Year", October 12.


  • Two Monte Carlo show cars shipped to PMCC from Henney, October 22.
  • Twenty-Sixth Series introduced, October 28.
  • PMCC decides to build a limited-edition sports convertible, October.


  • Packard Motor Car Company purchases the Studebaker Corporation, name changed to the Studebaker-Packard Corporation, October 1.
  • Final assembly operation completed at Conner Avenue plant, ready for Fifty-Fifth Series production, October 17.
  • Prototype 1955 Patrician starts 25,000 mile endurance run at Packard Proving Grounds, Utica, MI, October 21.
  • 25,000 mile endurance run completed, average speed, 104.737 mph, October 31.


  • Tooling approved for 1957 Packard Clipper to be built on Studebaker body shell, October 4.
  • Last Board Meeting held in Detroit, MI, October 31.


  • The Packard Club's "Newsletter" is renamed "The Cormorant", John Algie, Editor, October.


  • Packard Automobile Classics is incorporated, October.


  • Roy T. Hurley, Curtis-Wright Chairman 1952-61, dies, Santa Barbara, CA, October 31.
  • Gustave Baumann, Artist 1914-20, dies, Santa Fe, NM, October.


  • Paul G. Hoffman, Chairman 1954-56, dies at age 83 in New York City, October 8.


  • The Packard Club's "The Cormorant" magazine is renamed "The Packard Cormorant", Richard M. Langworth, Editor, October.

Advertising in Magazines

Packard, like most motor vehicle companies of its time, saw the value in advertising in magazines. It was a economical way to reach out to a substantial number of the automobile purchasing public. The early ads were striking in black and white. The later ads were in color and very elegant. Color ads first appeared in 1926 by Austin Bement, Inc., the ad agency responsible for all the fine art paintings and drawings of the cars through 1932. From late 1932-56, the ad agency of Young & Rubicam produced the ads for Packard.

Today, these ads make an outstanding addition to your library. Most of the ads are suitable for framing, especially if it's an ad showing your Packard. The next page has an index of Packard advertisements that were in three prominent magazines from 1900 to 1956.

Magazine Articles

Packard Motor Car Company had it's share of Magazine Articles written about it from as early as 1900. If you have the time, these articles make for interesting reading at your library. If there are any additions or corrections, or if you have lists, please [javascript protected email address] so you can send them to us and we'll add them. This following is an index of articles from 1900 – 1915.



10 — Motor Age, "The New York & Ohio Co." [p. 263]
16 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Gasoline Engine" [p. 11]


?? — The Automobile, "The Packard Automobile" [p. 114]


29 — Horseless Age, "Special Packard Carriage" [p. 10]
30 — Motor Age, "The Latest Packard Carriage" [p. 846]


?? — The Automobile, "The Packard Special" [p. 152]


3 — Horseless Age, "A Model Of Business Literature" [p. 22]



13 — Horseless Age, "Model C Packard Carriage" [p. 29]


?? — The Automobile, "The Packard Gasoline Carriage" [p. 154]


?? — The Automobile Review, "The Packard Automobiles" [p. 32]


?? — Automobile Topics, "Model F" [p. 83]
11 — Horseless Age, "The New York-Buffalo Endurance Run" [p. 496]
18 — Horseless Age, "Impression of the New York-Buffalo Endurance Run" [p. 512]


31 — Motor Age, "Ohio Automobile Co."
31 — The Cycle Age, "Ohio Automobile Co."


?? — Automobile Topics, "The Packard Model F"
6 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Model F" [p. 685]
7 — The Cycle Age, "Ohio Automobile Co."
7 — The Motor World, "The Ohio Automobile Co."



16 — Motor World, "The 1902 Packard"


16 — Horseless Age, "A New Packard Surrey"


?? — The Automobile, "A New Packard Tonneau" [p. 73]
5 — Horseless Age, "Touring Through Southern California" [p. 304]
5 — Horseless Age, "Rationale of the Features of the Packard Carriage" [p. 300]
6 — Motor Age, "Ohio Automobile Co." [p. 5]


23 — Horseless Age, "Long Island Club Endurance Run" [p. 512]
30 — Horseless Age, "Observed on Packard No. 30" [p. 525]
30 — Horseless Age, "Economy of the Packard" [p. 536]


23 — The Automobile, "Packard's Private Car" [p. 7]


3 — Horseless Age, "The Ohio Automobile Company's Model G" [p. 255]
3 — Horseless Age, "E. B. Martin's Chicago-New York Tour" [p. 243]


?? — Cycle & Automobile Trade Journal, "Model G Packard" [p. 71]



8 — Motor Age, "The Packard Motor Co."
17 — The Automobile, "The Packard 12-Horsepower Car" [p. 56]
22 — The Motor World, "Packard Motor Car Co." [p. 549]
31 — The Automobile, "Packard Vertical Engine Car" [p. 161]


19 — Motor Age, "Motor Fuel Force Feed"


?? — Cycle And Automobile Trade Journal, "The Packard 4-cyl. $7500 Car" [p. 48]
1 — Horseless Age, "Packard Car With Limousine Body" [p. 425]
4 — The Automobile, "Packard K, With Limousine Body" [p. 380]
23 — Motor Age, "Crossing Streams & Climbing Hills in S. Calif." [p. 10]


27 — The Automobile, "Pacific to Atlantic by Automobile" [p. 665]


4 — The Automobile, "Overland Trip From the Pacific Ocean" [p. 12]
15 — Horseless Age, "Across the Sierra Nevada- E.T. Fetch" [p. 76]
16 — Motor Age, "First Stage of the Packard Trans Continental Trip" [p. 10]
29 — Horseless Age, "Through Nevada-Fetch" [p. 132]


?? — The Automobile, "Ocean To Ocean" [p. 102]
5 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Transcontinental Tour" [p. 157]
13 — Motor Age, "Packard Tourists Commence Last Lap" [p. 8]
19 — Horseless Age, "Through Nevada-Fetch" [p. 201]
26 — Horseless Age, "Packard Transcontinental Tourists Complete Their Journey" [p. 229]
27 — Motor Age, "Manhattan Welcomes The Trans Continental Tourists" [p. 1]


9 — Horseless Age, "The Races at Glenville Track, Cleveland" [p. 287]
16 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Transcontinental Tour" [p. 302]
19 — The Automobile, "The Gray Wolf Racer" [p. 293]
23 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Transcontinental Tour" [p. 336]
23 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Gray Wolf" [p. 335]
23 — Horseless Age, "Details of the Endurance Contest Route N.Y.-Pitts." [p. 335]
30 — Horseless Age, "With the Overland Car Through Utah Into Colorado" [p. 357]


14 — Horseless Age, "N.A.A.M.'s Endurance Run-N.Y. to Pittsburgh"


7 — The Automobile, "The Wreck of the Gray Wolf" [p. 476]
19 — The Motor World, "Packard's New Home" [p. 285]
26 — Motor Age, "Four-Cylinder Packard" [p. 15]


?? — Motor, "The Great Transcontinental Race" [p. 10]
5 — The Automobile, "Packard Model L Four Cylinder Car" [p. 585]
12 — The Automobile, "The New Packard Works" [p. 612]
24 — Motor Age, "Luxurious Body Building" [p. 4]
26 — The Automobile, "Variations in Packard Models" [p. 670]



?? — Motor, "A Record Strewn Stretch of Sand" [p. 16]
?? — The Automobile, "How The Records Were Made" [p. 119]
6 — Automobile Review, "Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich."
27 — The Automobile, "Patents-Cable Brake System"


5 — The Automobile, "Fast Gasoline Motor Truck" [p. 281]
9 — Horseless Age, "The Packard 'Voiture Legere" [p. 273]


14 — Motor Age, "Packard Cars Made & Being Made"


25 — The Automobile, "Thousand Mile Non-Stop Trial" [p. 674]


3 — Motor Age, "Automobile Development"
3 — The Motor World, "Packard Increases Power"
5 — The Automobile, "Packard Model N, 1905 Touring Car" [p. 524]


8 — Scientific American, "Automobile Notes"


8 — The Motor World, "The Test That Failed" [p. 431]
24 — The Automobile, "Patents-Automatic Spark Timer"



21 — The Automobile, "The Standard Packard Model N" [p. 121]


?? — Motor, "American Cars vs. Foreign Cars" [p. 30]


?? — Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, "New Packard Models" [p. 137]
18 — The Automobile, "Packard 3,000 Pound Truck" [p. 395]


6 — Motor Age, "The Realm of the Commercial Car"


?? — Automobile Topics, "The Packard 1906 Model" [p. 722]
?? — Horseless Age, "Road Test of the New Packard 24" [p. 660]


5 — Horseless Age, "The Packard One & One-half Ton Truck" [p. 47]
27 — Motor Age, "A Semi-Limousine"


27 — Horseless Age, "The 1906 Model Packard" [p. 369]
28 — Motor Age, "1906 Packard"


5 — The Automobile, "Packard 1906 Model Touring Car" [p. 301]
26 — The Automobile, "One Shipment of Gasoline Trucks" [p. 472]


?? — Motor, "Mechanical Briefs of 1906 Models" [p. 61]
9 — Motor Age, "Packard Model Bus"
16 — Motor Age, "The Packard Runabout"



13 — Scientific American, "Crossing The Continent By Automobile" [p. 24]
18 — Motor Age, "Packard Motor Car Co."
18 — The Automobile, "Packard Motor Car Co." [p. 144]


15 — The Automobile, "Packard Automatic Carburetor" [p. 528]
31 — Auto Topics, "Luxury In A Limousine" [p. 2133]


18 — Horseless Age, "New Packard Limousine" [p. 577]


26 — Auto Topics, "Packard Makes Best Time At Cincinnati" [p. 519]
26 — Auto Topics, "Another Big Addition To Packard Plant" [p. 533]


11 — Horseless Age, "Trial Trip of Packard 1907 Model" [p. 54]
19 — The Automobile, "A Consistent Running 1907 Car" [p. 90]


1 — Horseless Age, "The Packard 30 H., p. 1907 Model" [p. 178]
9 — Motor Age, "Automobile Development-Packard 30"
9 — The Motor World, "The Improved Packard" [p. 449]
9 — The Automobile, "The Packard Presents Its 1907 Model" [p. 179]
30 — The Automobile, "An 800 Mile Try-Out Detroit to Gotham" [p. 277]


?? — Motor, "Mechanical Briefs of 1907 Models No. 1-Packard 30" [p. 39]


1 — The Automobile, "Building of an Automobile Body" [p. 577]



17 — Motor Age, "Packard"
17 — The Motor World, "Packard" [p. 190]


8 — Motor Age, "Discarded Cars"
21 — Motor Age, "Tryout of 1908 Packard"


7 — The Automobile, "The Snow-Blown Story of a Winter Try-Out" [p. 453]


11 — Motor Age, "Packard Again Builds" [p. 28]


23 — Motor Age, "Long Test of New Car" [p. 10]
23 — The Automobile, "Eleven Hundred Miles In The Rain" [p. 874]
30 — Motor Age, "Last 07 Packard Out" [p. 5]


19 — Horseless Age, "The 1908 Packard Thirty" [p. 817]
20 — Motor Age, "New Packard 30" [p. 12]
20 — The Automobile, "Packard Thirty for 1908" [p. 1005]
20 — The Motor World, "Disclose Packard 1908 Design" [p. 527]


8 — Motor Age, "The Packard Factory" [p. 22]


19 — The Automobile, "Eiseman System As Used on A Packard" [p. 396]


7 — The Motor World, "Packard" [p. 355]
7 — Motor Age, "Packard Wins Brazier Cup" [p. 63]



6 — Motor Age, "Cuban Roads Conquered by Motor Car" [p. 1]
6 — The Motor World, "Packard Exploration, In Cuba" [p. 835]
27 — Motor Age, "Packard Buys Plant?" [p. 14]


4 — Horseless Age, "Packard Close-Coupled Car" [p. 256]
5 — The Automobile, "New Packard Close-Coupled Body" [p. 338]


2 — The Automobile, "Season's Packard Output Finished Early" [p. 482]
22 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Three Ton Truck" [p. 472]
23 — The Automobile, "New Packard In Commercial Field" [p. 586]
23 — Motor Age, "The Realm of the Commercial Car" [p. 28]
23 — The Motor World, "Packard Ideas In A New Truck" [p. 121]


14 — Motor Age, "Manufacturing Progress in Detroit" [p. 22]


24 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Thirty for 1909" [p. 748]
25 — Motor Age, "1909 Packard Touring Car" [p. 32]
25 — The Automobile, "Packard Thirty for 1909" [p. 885]
25 — The Motor World, "Packard Thirty For 1909" [p. 415]


23 — Motor Age, "The Realm of the Commercial Car" [p. 30]


19 — Horseless Age, "The Packard Eighteen" [p. 231]
20 — The Automobile, "18 Town Car"


?? — Motor, "1909 Models-Packard lg." [p. 77]
3 — Motor Age, "Cove Mountain Becomes a Testing Camp" [p. 1]


1 — The Automobile, "Detroit Adopts The Packard Fire Wagon" [p. 481]
15 — Motor Age, "Packard Pulls Plow" [p. 28]


30 — Horseless Age, "Packard Inside Operated Coupe" [p. 935]



14 — Motor Age, "Hunting Parties Invade The' Alleghenies" [p. 62]
28 — Motor Age, "The Realm of the Commercial Car" [p. 20]


19 — Horseless Age, "1910 Packard Models" [p. 705]
20 — Motor Age, "The 1910 Packard Chassis" [p. 30]
20 — The Automobile, "Packard Cars for 1910" [p. 825]
20 — The Motor World, "Packard Features for 1910" [p. 293]


?? — Motor, "The Packard Thirty Season in 1910" [p. 62]
10 — Motor Age, "From Washington to Mexico" [p. 5]


15 — The Automobile, "Packard As A Military Car" [p. 119]


14 — Motor Age, "Packard Enlarges" [p. 32]
14 — The Automobile, "Packard Factory Spreads In all Directions" [p. 656]



20 — The Automobile, "Packard Body Work" [p. 151]


17 — The Automobile, "Looks Like Packard-Knight Controversy" [p. 362]


?? — Motor, "Loading and Unloading" [p. 84]


7 — Motor Age, "Packard Growth" [p. 33]


18 — Horseless Age, "1911 Packard Motor Car" [p. 764]
19 — Motor Age, "Two Packard Models Announced" [p. 22]
19 — The Automobiles, "Packard Nineteen Hundred and Eleven" [p. 924]
21 — Automobile Topics, "New Body Styles in 1911 Packards" [p. 411]


8 — Horseless Age, "Packard 1911 Styles" [p. 869]


29 — Motor Age, "Work of Packard Truck" [p. 36]


?? — Motor, "The Control of the Packard Thirty" [p. 77]



19 — Horseless Age, "Packard Entering Foreign Field"
19 — Horseless Age, "Packard 1912 Line Includes a Six Cylinder Model" [p. 665]
20 — Motor Age, "The Four & Six Cyl. Packard" [p. 26]
20 — The Automobile, "New Six Features 1912 Line" [p. 947]
22 — Automobile Topics, "Packard Six Makes Its Bow" [p. 129]


27 — Automobile Topics, "Testing in the Jackson Hole Country" [p. 390]


?? — Motor, "In The Jackson Hole Country" [p. 19]
2 — Automobile Topics, "N.Y. To S.F. in Motor Truck" [p. 1124]
11 — Motor, "The Packard 11/2 Ton Truck"


?? — Motor, "From Denver to the West Coast" [p. 6]


?? — Motor, "A Transcontinental Truck Run"


?? — Motor, "Packard Six Chassis Features"
?? — Motor, "The Packard Six Power Plant"



?? — Horseless Age, "Mechanical and Body Changes in the 1913 Packard" [p. 1072]
20 — The Automobile, "The Packard Six for 1913" [p. 1392]


15 — Motor Age, "Packard Enters Little Six Lists" [p. 38]
15 — The Automobile, "Packard Announces 1913 Little Six" [p. 344]
15 — The Motor World, "Packard Adds A Little Six" [p. 27]


?? — Motor, "The Motor Car As A Police Aid" [p. 113]
9 — Automobile Topics, "Packard 38's Now Ready For Market" [p. 839]
21 — Motor Age, "Commercial Car Situation" [p. 24]



22 — Horseless Age, "Four Trucks Replace Forty Horses" [p. 220]


12 — Horseless Age, "Truck Replaces Thirty Horses" [p. 359]


?? — Motor, "A World Tour In A Motor Car" [p. 43]
12 — Horseless Age, "New Packard Six-48" [p. 502]
13 — The Automobile, "1914 Packard's New 48" [p. 652]
13 — The Automobile, "Packard Service System Simple & Sure" [p. 635]
27 — Motor Age, "Wanderlust That Led Around the World" [p. 5]


?? — Motor, "The Packard 48" [p. 55]
3 — Motor Age, "Packard for 1914" [p. 36]
16 — Horseless Age, "Packard Truck in the Flood Zone" [p. 689]


?? — Horseless Age, "Packard Motor Ends Official 300 Hours Non-Stop Test" [p. 944]
1 — The Automobile, "A.C.A. To Test Packard Motor 200 Hours" [p. 926]
7 — Horseless Age, "Packard Salesroom & Service Station, Hartford, Conn." [p. 828]
8 — Motor Age, "From Ocean to Ocean & Back Again" [p. 6]
8 — Motor Age, "Packard Test Is On" [p. 11]
15 — Motor Age, "Packard Motor Passes 200 Hour Mark in Block Test" [p. 17]
15 — The Automobile, "Packard Motor Will Run for 300 Hours" [p. 1013]
21 — Horseless Age, "Further Arguments in Favor of Price Maintenance" [p. 924]
22 — Motor Age, "Packard Motor Completes 300 Hour Non-Stop Test" [p. 13]
22 — The Automobile, "Full Report of Packard Motor Test" [p. 1080]
28 — Horseless Age, "Results of Endurance Test-Six Cylinder" [p. 993]


10 — Motor Age, "Along the Proposed Lincoln Highway" [p. 20]
27 — Colliers, "Our Battle Planes Are Coming"


13 — Horseless Age, "Packard Adopts Worm Bevel Gear Drive" [p. 255]
14 — Motor Age, "Worm Bevel Gears-in Packard 38" [p. 30]
14 — The Automobile, "New Packard Bevel Gear" [p. 304]
14 — The Motor World, "Silent Worm Bevel Drive"
20 — Horseless Age, "Packard Test Trip to the Pacific Coast" [p. 315]


11 — Motor Age, "Packard 38 Appears in Its 1914 Dress" [p. 28]
11 — The Automobile, "1914 Packard 38" [p. 482]
11 — The Motor World, "Triple Cast Cylinders"
13 — Automobile Topics, "Latest Packard Known As The 238" [p. 339]
17 — Horseless Age, "New Packard 38" [p. 468]


?? — Motor, "The 238 Packard" [p. 51]
22 — Horseless Age, "Packard Increases Capital; Declares Stock Dividend" [p. 673]
30 — Motor Age, "From Chicago to Boston in 4 Days" [p. 32]


?? — Motor, "The Lincoln Highway" [p. 48]


3 — Horseless Age, "Packard Lighting Generator Requires Little Power" [p. 963]
4 — Motor Age, "Determines Fuel Consumption of Electric Starter" [p. 12]



1 — Motor Age, "Packard Model 238" [p. 78]


19 — Motor Age, "Henry B. Joy Defends Sherman Act in Speech" [p. 16]
25 — Horseless Age, "Joy Defends Price Maintenance Cause" [p. 314C]


2 — The Automobile, "Packard Has Six Room Hospital" [p. 727]


24 — The Motor World, "Packard Makes 70 Miles in Hour Run" [p. 12]
25 — Motor Age, "Packard Stock Car Goes over 70 Miles in 60 Min." [p. 14]
25 — The Automobile, "Packard Stock Touring Car Makes 70 Miles in 1 Hour" [p. 1342]


1 — Horseless Age, "Packard Speed Tests At Indianapolis" [p. 4]
15 — The Motor World, "Packard Increases Power Not Price" [p. 36]
16 — Motor Age, "Packard Offers New Series With But Few Changes" [p. 26]
22 — Horseless Age, "New Packard Models" [p. 136]


?? — Motor, "The 1915 Packards" [p. 54]


26 — Motor Age, "War Impressions of a Packard Co. Re, p. " [p. 21]


31 — Motor Age, "Packard 3-38 and 4-48" [p. 64]



14 — Motor Age, "Packard Co. Ready with New Line of Trucks" [p. 23]
20 — Horseless Age, "Technical Details of Packard Worm-Driven Trucks" [p. 101]
20 — Motor World, "Centralized Control in Worm-Drive Packards" [p. 36]
28 — Motor Age, "Packard Truck" [p. 38]


4 — Motor Age, "French Put Forty New American Trucks in Service" [p. 16]
24 — Horseless Age, "S. D. Waldon Quits Packard"


?? — Motor, "New Worm-Drive Packard Trucks" [p. 69]
18 — Motor Age, "Packard Announces 1-Ton Truck" [p. 38]


26 — Horseless Age, "The New Packard With 12 Cylinders" [p. 702]
26 — Motor World, "Packard Twin Six Marks Era In American Design" [p. 33]
27 — Motor Age, "Packard Is World Innovation in Touring Car Production" [p. 36]


?? — Automobile Trade Journal, "The Packard Twin Six..." [p. 100]


?? — Motor, "Twin-Six Packard's 1916 Models" [p. 56]
1 — Motor Age, "Packard Driver Humbles DePalma in Quaker Hill Climb" [p. 33]
3 — Scientific American, "The How & Why of the V-Type Motor"
14 — Horseless Age, "Motor Car Exhibits at the Panama Exposition" [p. 35]
15 — Motor Age, "Twelve-Cylinder Packards Show Speed on Chicago Track" [p. 16]
15 — The Automobile, "Packard 12 Makes 72.7 M., p. H. on Chicago Speedway" [p. 101]
29 — Motor Age, "Cross-Country Joy-Riding a la Mode" [p. 24]


23 — Motor Age, "Vincent Explains Twin Sixes" [p. 26]


1 — Horseless Age, "The Twelve Cylinder versus The Six Cylinder Motor" [p. 410]
4 — The Automobile, "Resta Takes Harkness Cup Race at 105.39 M., p. H." [p. 847]


?? — Motor, "Who Bought The First American Car?" [p. 52]
2 — Motor Age, "Packard Making Engines for Military Aeroplanes" [p. 18]

Service Letter & Counselor Inventory

Here is a complete index of Service Letters and Service Counselors issued by Packard Motor Car Company from 1929 — Vol. 1 Nr. 1 to 1956 — Vol. 30 Nr. 9. If you are building a complete collection of Packard Service Letters and Counselors, make sure you review the list below as PMCC made a few errors with dates, issue numbers, etc. over the years. This list should help you determine which issues you are missing.


  • #1 THRU #17A
  • Index for 1927


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1928


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1929


  • #1 THRU #17
  • SUPPLEMENT #1 (9/30)
  • #18 THRU #24
  • Index for 1930


  • #1 THRU #13
  • SUPPLEMENT#1 (7/01)
  • #14 THRU #24
  • Index for 1931


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1932


  • #1 THRU #11
  • #12 (6/15) & (6/15)
  • #13
  • #14
  • #15 (9/1) & (9/15)
  • #16 (9/01)
  • #17 (9/15)
  • #19 THRU 24
  • Index for 1933


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1934


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1935


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1936


  • #1 THRU #9
  • #11 THRU #24
  • Index for 1937


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1938


  • #1 THRU #24
  • Index for 1939


  • #1 THRU #16
  • #18 (9/01)
  • #17 (9/15)
  • #19 THRU #24
  • Index for 1940


  • #1 THRU #16
  • #17 (9/01) & (9/15)
  • #19 THRU #24


  • #1 THRU #24


  • #1 THRU #22
  • #23/24 COMBINED


  • #1 THRU #11


  • #1 THRU #12


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1941-1946


  • #1 THRU #8
  • #9 (5/01) & (6/01)
  • #11 THRU #23
  • Index for 1/47 - 6/47


  • #1 THRU #14
  • Index for 7/47 - 1948


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1949


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1950


  • #1 THRU #14
  • Index for 1951


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1952


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1953


  • #1 THRU #12
  • Index for 1954


  • #1
  • #2 THRU #13
  • Index for 1955



Master Coachbuilders

While Packard Motor Car Company produced some coachbuilt Packards, there were quite a few Master Coachbuilders who took a Packard chassis and built the body for the customer. Below is a list of some Master Coachbuilders. If you have one to add to the list, please contact us....


  • Bohman & Schwartz
  • Brewster
  • Brunn
  • Caffrey
  • Darrin
  • Demarest
  • Derham
  • Dietrich
  • Farnham
  • Fleetwood
  • Graff
  • Hayes
  • Henney
  • Holbrook
  • Inskip
  • Judkins
  • LeBaron
  • Limousine Body Co.
  • Locke
  • Murphy
  • New Haven Carriage
  • Phillips
  • Rolson
  • Rollston
  • Rubay
  • Seaman
  • Smith Sprinfield
  • U.S. Carriage
  • Waterhouse
  • Weymann
  • Willoughby
  • Wood & Son
Professional Vehicles
  • A. J. Miller
  • Brown Auto Carriage
  • Blue Ribbon Auto & Carriage
  • Eureka
  • G. A. Schnabel & Sons
  • Henney
  • Hoover Body
  • J. C. Brill
  • Knightstown
  • Proctor-Keefe Body
  • Progress Funeral Car
  • Schubert Wagon
  • Superior
Station Sedans (Wood Body)
  • Brooks Stevens Studio
  • Cantrell
  • Hercules
  • Mifflinburg


  • Carrosiers d'Albert d'Ieteren
  • Dens
  • Van den Plas


  • Baxter-Galle
  • Chapron
  • Fernandez Carrossiers
  • Fernandez & Darrin
  • Franay
  • Hibbard & Darrin
  • Kellner & Cie
  • Million - Guiet Carrossiers
  • Villemer


  • Glaser
  • Neusse


  • Van Rijswijk et Zoon


  • Hofslageribolaget
  • Nordbergs
  • Norrmalms


  • Graber


  • Barker
  • Carlton
  • Freestone & Webb
  • Hooper
  • Leonard Williams & Co.
  • Mulliner
  • Salmons
  • Thrupp & Maberly


In the Packard "Inner Circle" Newspaper dated June 6, 1932, Alvan Macauley, President Packard Motor Car Company presented a Packard Distributor Photo Album. It contained photos of the earliest dealership managers and their franchise date...

"Inner Circle" Detroit, Mich. June 6, 1932:

Despite the stress and strain of the depression years, the stability of Packard Motor Car Company (PMCC) distributors and organizations is impressive and has always been outstanding. Figures compiled for this dealer album in 1932 show the cumulative service records of all distributors to be nine centuries and the average record is more than a decade, 11 years and five months to be exact. The enviable service records of our dealer personnel and factory employees have also been maintained. Truly these are encouraging facts to all of us in these troublous times, for in stability there is strength. The "Inner Circle" editors inform me that a portrayal of all Packard old timers would involve so many pages that the must fore go such a comprehensive treatment. But it is with a deep feeling of pride and pleasure that, in presenting our distributors, we dedicate this issue to all Packard veterans. They are the foundation of our belief that the stability of Packard personnel cannot be bettered by any company.

Editors' Note: Amplifying Macauley's reference to the service records of the distributors, the date of the original sales agreement is indicated below each distributor's photograph.

Shortly after the old Packard company in Ohio moved to Detroit way back in 1903, the organization of Packard distributors came into being. At the rate of one a year in the first four years of Packard's Detroit existence, the signatures of our four oldest distributors were affixed to Packard franchises. Rightfully then, these four lead off the album in original sales agreement date order.

— Alvan Macauley, President PMCC

Distributors through June 6, 1932


... and those journeyed to the Great Distributor [ as of June 6, 1932 ]

  • J. R. Plemmens, Asheville, N.C.
  • A. M. Gibbs, Columbia, S.C.
  • R. H. Mitchell, Columbus, Ohio
  • Bert Williams, Denver, Colo.
  • T. G. Beck, Saginaw, Mich.
  • S. F. Mosley, Seattle, Wash.
  • Edward Conrad, Scranton, Pa.
  • H. E. Stowell, Syracuse, N. Y.
  • Thomas Plimley, Victoria, B. C.

With Jack & Jill In Motor-Car-Land

Jack and Jill In Motor-Car-LandIn 1933, Packard Motor Car Company published a book for children, "With Jack & Jill In Motor-Car-Land." Like Jack and his sister Jill in the story, your children (and their friends) can learn how automobiles came to be made and what makes them go.

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Packards in the Movies

A list of Packards in the Movies compiled by Allen Kahl, and contributions from Robert Supina and other contributors. If you have any "updates" to the list, let us know.

TitlePackard ModelLead ActorMovie / TV OwnerCongtributor
A Family Affair Mickey Rooney Allen Kahl
Accidents Will Happen192? RoadsterRonald Reagen Allen Kahl
After The Thin Man1936 Senior SedanW Powell Allen Kahl
After The Thin Man1936 Twelve Touring
1942 Conv
William PowellDramaRobert Supina
All Fall Down1932 Twin SixWarren Beatty Allen Kahl
All The Kings Men1940 Su 8 160Broderick Crawford Allen Kahl
Another Thin Man1935 Std 8/120 VictoriaWilliam PowellDramaRobert Supina
Arthur1938 120 ConvertibleDudley Moore Allen Kahl
Arvo Arrow1955 ClipperDan Ackroyd Allen Kahl
AvalonMany Post War PackardsAidan Quinn Allen Kahl
Back To The Future I1949 ConvertibleM J FoxBill SnyderAllen Kahl
Back To The Future Ii1949 ConvertibleC Lloyd Allen Kahl
Banachek1942 Darrin ConvertibleGeorge PepardTvAllen Kahl
Big Jim Mclean1951 200John Wayne Allen Kahl
Big Sleep1937 SeniorH Bogart Allen Kahl
Blonie On A Budget1938-9 Senior ConvRita Hayworth Allen Kahl
Blowing Wild1953 Senior(l W B )Anthony Quinn Allen Kahl
Born To Kill1942 7-passengerLawrence Tiern Allen Kahl
Boulevard Du Rhum1933 1001 ConvBrigitte Bardot Allen Kahl
Boycott1953 ClipperJeffrey Knight Allen Kahl
Boycott1951 PatricianCch PounderC KahlAllen Kahl
Boycott1955 PatricianCch PounderA KahlAllen Kahl
Bring Up Baby1937 115-cKatharine Hepburn Allen Kahl
Broadminded19?? PheatonJoe E Brown Allen Kahl
Brute Force1935 Henney HearseBurt Lancaster Allen Kahl
Bullets Or Ballots1933 ConvE G Robinson Allen Kahl
Bullit1939 SedanSteve Mcqueen Allen Kahl
Bullit1955 ClipperSteve Mcqueen Allen Kahl
Burn Em Up O'conner1939 110 ConvDennis O'keefe Allen Kahl
Calander Girl1956 PatricianJason Priestley Allen Kahl
Carefull He Might Hear You1933 SedanWendy HughesN FisherAllen Kahl
Catch Me If You Can1955 PatricianL Dicaprio Allen Kahl
Chinatown1938 ConvJack Nicholson Allen Kahl
Clue1952 SedanTim Curry Allen Kahl
Corina, Corina1952 PatricianWhoopi Goldberg Allen Kahl
Damn Citizen1952 4dr SedanKeith Anders Allen Kahl
Dangerous1934 RoadsterBette Davis Allen Kahl
Day Earth Stood Still194? SedanMicheal Rennie Allen Kahl
Deacons For Defense1955 PatricianF Whitaker Allen Kahl
Diner1954 ConvertibleSteve Guttenberg Allen Kahl
Diner1955/6 ?????????Mickey Rourke Allen Kahl
Doctor Kildares Strng Case1930's Town CarLew Ayres Allen Kahl
Doctor Takes A Wife1940 ConvertibleRay Milland Allen Kahl
Double Wedding1930's CabrioletWilliam Powell Allen Kahl
Down Argentine Way1940 ConvertibleRay Milland Allen Kahl
Dr Zhivago1948 CustomDon Ameche Allen Kahl
Earl Of Chiago1938 Su-8R Montgomery Allen Kahl
East Side West Side1949 SedansJ Mason Allen Kahl
Empire Of The SunPre-warJohn Malkovich Allen Kahl
Fade To Black1936 PhaetonDenis ChristopherHorror Movie/goryRobert Supina
Far From Heaven1950 SedanDennis Quaid Allen Kahl
Father Takes A Wife1939 Super 8Gloria Swanson Allen Kahl
Fiesta1940 ConvEster Williams Allen Kahl
Final Assignment1948 LimoMichael Caine Robert Supina
Follow The Sun1948 SedanGlenn Ford Allen Kahl
Foot Steps In The Dark1939 ?????Errol Flynn Allen Kahl
Funny Face1948 LimoFred Astaire Allen Kahl
Ghosts Of Mississippi55/56 PatricianAlec Baldwin Allen Kahl
Grand CanyonUnidentified PackardDanny Glover Allen Kahl
Grapes Of WrathPre-warHenry Fonda Allen Kahl
Great Balls Of Fire1953 ClipperDennis Quaid Allen Kahl
He Walked By Night1948 ConvRichard Baseheart Allen Kahl
He Was Her Man1926 Or 1927 PhaetonJames Cagney Allen Kahl
Hearts Of Atlanta1938 ConvAnthony Hopkins Allen Kahl
Holiday Inn19?? TaxiFred Astaire Allen Kahl
Home Fires Burning1940 Packard SedanBarnard Hughes Robert Supina
ImpactUnidentified PackardBrian Donleavy Allen Kahl
ImpactUnidentified PackardBrian Donleavy Allen Kahl
In Name Only1935 Senior ConvCary Grant Allen Kahl
It's A Wonderful World1935-7 120 SedanJames Stewart Allen Kahl
Joan Crawford Ult Star1936-7 SeniorJoan Crawford Allen Kahl
Johnny DarkPackard Proving GroundsTony Curtis Allen Kahl
Johnny O'clock1930's SedanDick Powell Allen Kahl
Journey Into Fear1934 Limo CrashesJoseph Cotton Robert Supina
Judge Hardys Children1935 LimoMickey Rooney Allen Kahl
King Of The Gypsies1948 SedanEric Roberts Allen Kahl
L A Confidential1948 ClipperRussell Crowe Allen Kahl
L A Confidential1948 ClipperKim Bassinger Allen Kahl
Labamba1949 SedanLou Diamond Phillips Allen Kahl
Lady Killers1938/39 SedanSir Alec Guiness Allen Kahl
Libeled Lady1936 120 Conv CpeMyrna Loy Allen Kahl
Libeled Lady1936 120 Conv CpeMyrna Loy Allen Kahl
Liberty Heights1955 PatricianJoe Mantegna Allen Kahl
Liberty Heights1955 ClipperJoe Mantegna Allen Kahl
Lords Of Flatbush1955 PatricianSly StalloneT RemillardAllen Kahl
Lost In Yonkers1940's??????Richard Dreyfuss Allen Kahl
Love Comes To Andy Hardy1937 Twelve Lebaron CabMickey Rooney/judy Garland Robert Supina
Love Me Or Leave Me1920's SedanJames Cagney Allen Kahl
Ma + Pa Kettle Town1948 TaxisMarjorie Main Allen Kahl
Man Of 1000 Faces1932 900 ConvJames Cagney Allen Kahl
Mantle1951 200 SedanMickey MantleHboAllen Kahl
Marked Woman1933 Vict ConvH Bogart Allen Kahl
Marrying Man1949 Custom ConvKim Basinger Allen Kahl
Meet John Doe (1941)37 Twelve Lebaron CabrioletGary Cooper Robert Supina
Mermaids1956 PatricianCher Allen Kahl
Mighty Joe Young1948 Or 49 22nd SeriesBen Johnson Allen Kahl
Mission To Moscow1935 Su 8 / 12 SedanW Houston Allen Kahl
Mr Blandings Dream House1946 ClipperCarey Grant Allen Kahl
Mummy Returns The1938 SedanBrendan Fraiser Allen Kahl
Murder By Death1938 Senior VictoriaDavid Niven Allen Kahl
Murder In A Private Car1932 Town CarCharles Ruggles Allen Kahl
Murder In The Heartland1955 Patrician/sb56Martin Sheen Allen Kahl
Murder Man1932 Dual Cowl PackardSpencer Tracey Allen Kahl
Murder On The Orient Express1936 Twelve Lebaron CabAlbert Finney/lauren BacallCar Owned By James Denne In EnglandRobert Supina
Mystic River1953 CaribbeanKevin Bacon Allen Kahl
Nicolas + Alexandra1934 Std 8Micheal Jayston Allen Kahl
North By Northwest1955 SeniorCary Grant Allen Kahl
Oh Sussana1930? TouringGene AutryUnbelievable Car Chase SceneRobert Supina
Out Of The Past1942 Clipper/taxiRobert Mitchum Allen Kahl
Patton1948 Limo/sb41George C Scott Allen Kahl
Philadelphia Story193? ConvertibleJimmy Stewart Allen Kahl
Philadelphia Story1937 SeniorCarey Grant Allen Kahl
Plan 9 From O Space1955 ClipperBela Lugosi Allen Kahl
Poirot Mystery1934 Std 8Tv Allen Kahl
Pride Of The Yankees1937 120Gary Cooper Allen Kahl
Quicksand1954 PatricianMickey Rooney Allen Kahl
Reaching For The SunShot In Packard PlantJoel Mccrea Allen Kahl
Red Sky At MorningPackard (?)Claire Bloom Robert Supina
Roadblock1947 Clipper SedanCharles Mcgraw Allen Kahl
Roger Rabbit1937 Six Conv CpeBob Hoskins Robert Supina
Sally Of The Sawdust (1925 - Silent)1925 Eight 7-pass TouringW C Fields Robert Supina
Samantha:amer Girl Holiday1910 PackardMia Farrow Allen Kahl
Secret Life Of W Mitty1941 Taxi CabDanny Kaye Allen Kahl
Shadow Of The Thin Man1937 Town CarWilliam Powell Allen Kahl
Shadow Of The This Man1937 Twelve LebaronWilliam PowellDramaRobert Supina
Shall We Dance1937 Twelve VictoriaFred Astaire Robert Supina
Son Of A Sailor1920's SedanJoe E Brown Allen Kahl
Special Agent 19351930's SedanGeorge Brent Allen Kahl
Spellbound1941 Senior SedanGregory Peck Allen Kahl
Strategic Air Command1949 4 DoorJames Stewart Allen Kahl
Sudden Fear1952 MayfairRobert Mitchum Allen Kahl
Sugar Time???? ???????Barbie BentonTvAllen Kahl
Sunset1931 840Bruce WillisLou TellaAllen Kahl
The Adv Of Superman1953 ConvertibleGeorge ReevesTvAllen Kahl
The Arrow1952 SedanDan Ackroyd Allen Kahl
The Aviator1947 SedanLeo DicaprioN TorranceAllen Kahl
The Aviator1941 Lebaron S BroLeo DicaprioR/g GibbAllen Kahl
The Babe1923 126 OpenJohn Goodman Allen Kahl
The Bad + The Beautiful1941 ConvertibleKirk Douglas Allen Kahl
The Bank Dick1934 TouringW C FieldsComedyRobert Supina
The Carpetbaggers1940 ConvertibleGeorge Peppard Allen Kahl
The Dam Busters1938/9 Ju 7 PassM Redgrave Allen Kahl
The Devil And Miss Jones1935 7-senior Town CarCharles Colburn Allen Kahl
The Divorcee1930s RoadsterNorma Shearer Allen Kahl
The Fugitive (tv)1956 PatricianDavid JannsenTvAllen Kahl
The Godfather1941 180 L'brn Spt PhtnAl PacinoDon RookAllen Kahl
The Godfather1954 Patrician LimoMarlon Brando Allen Kahl
The Hills Have Eyes1956 Sedan "gruesome, Gory"Robert Supina
The Last Convertible1939 Conv Sedan V-12Perry KingBill SnyderAllen Kahl
The Letter1920's PheatonBette Davis Allen Kahl
The Long WaitPackards In Many ScenesAnthony Quinn Allen Kahl
The Majestic1950 ClipperJim Carrey Allen Kahl
The Mareth Line1938 V-12Henry Fonda Allen Kahl
The Mayor Of Hell1920's SedanJames Cagney Allen Kahl
The Neon Empire1940 Su-8Martin LandauLou BrehemerAllen Kahl
The Neon Empire1938 Su-8 Vic ConvHarry Guardino Allen Kahl
The Notebook1939 Super Eight Conv SdnJames GarnerCar Owned Rick And Marlene SharpeRobert Supina
The Roaring Twenties1920's PackardsJ Cagney Allen Kahl
The Shining Hour1936-7 Senior ConvJoan Crawford Allen Kahl
The Shining Hour1940-1 Station WgnRobert Young Allen Kahl
The Sting Ii1940 180Jackie Gleason Robert Supina
The Two Jakes???????????????Jack Nicholson Allen Kahl
The Way We Were1940 TaxiBarbara Striesand Allen Kahl
The Way We Were1950 ConvertibleBarbara Striesand Allen Kahl
They Met In Bombay1937 7-passengerClark Gable Allen Kahl
They Met In Bombay1937 Super Eight LimoClark GablePhenomenal Chase SceneRobert Supina
This Gun For Hire1940 Su 8Alan Ladd Allen Kahl
Thoroughbreds Don't Cry1937 SeniorMickey Rooney Allen Kahl
Three Stooges19?? Dual Cowl PhtnThree Stooges Allen Kahl
Tin Men1955 ClipperRichard Dreyfuss Allen Kahl
Topper Returns1936 Super Eight Touring Gets WreckedRobert Supina
Tora, Tora, Tora1940 Supe 8 180BoB BrigianiAllen Kahl
Unguarded Moment1953 ClipperEsther Williams Allen Kahl
Unknown Title1935 Twelve Conv SedanW C FieldsComedyRobert Supina
Upperworld1934 Conv Cpe
1933 Town Car
1934 Conv Sdn
Ginger Rodgers Robert Supina
Vogues Of 1938Custom Formal Sedan
1935 Grill/headlights
1934 Instruments
  Robert Supina
W C Fields And Me1935 Twelve Club Sedan  Robert Supina
We Were Soldiers1955 PatricianMel GibsonA KahlAllen Kahl
We're In The MoneyThird Series Eight TouringJoan Blondell Robert Supina
Wendys Commercials1939 Super-8 ConvDave ThomasJ DeturkAllen Kahl
Wise Girls1937 Twelve Lebaron Cabriolet
1937 Super Eight Conv
Ray Milland Robert Supina
Witch Hunt1951 ConvDennis Hopper Allen Kahl
Won Ton Ton Dog Svd H'wood1930 740 Dietrich 7-pBruce Dern Et AllBill SnyderAllen Kahl
You'll Never Get Rich1937 Twelve Lebaron CabRobert Benchley/fred Astaire Robert Supina

PT 105, by Captain Richard Keresey, USN

PT 105Admittedly small and vulnerable, PT boats were, nevertheless, fast-the fastest craft on the water during World War II – and Dick Keresey's account of these tough little fighters throws new light on their contributions to the war effort. As captain of PT 105, the author was in the same battle as John F. Kennedy when Kennedy's PT 109 was rammed and sunk. The famous incident, Keresey says, has often been described inaccurately and the PT boat depicted as unreliable and ineffective. This book helps set the record straight by presenting an authentic picture of PT boats that draws on the author's experience at Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Bougainville, and Choiseul Island. Action-filled, his account describes evading night bombers, rescuing coast watchers and downed airmen, setting down Marine scouts behind Japanese lines, engaging in vicious gun battles with Japanese barges and small freighters, and contending with heat, disease, and loneliness. First published in 1996, the book has been hailed for telling an exciting yet fully accurate story. The book can be purchased here.

WWII's Forgotten HeroTough, nimble, and pound for pound the most heavily armed ships in the U.S. Navy, PT boats fought in the very front line of the greatest sea war in history. But even today, hardly anyone understands what they did. This article, generously made available here by Jim Keresey, explains in detail how the PT boats were an integral part of World War II. The article was written by PT 105 boat's captain, and Jim Keresey's father, Richard E. Keresey. Read the article.

This is a short conversation between James Keresey and Dwight Heinmuller, regarding the PT 105. James' father, Richard, was it's captain.

On May 2, 2022 James Keresey wrote:


This is Jim Keresey. I believe you contacted USNI about my father's book. I would be happy to talk with you any time. All the best.Packard Precision Build Power
On May 3, 2022, Dwight Heinmuller wrote:
Hi Jim: Did your Dad's PT 105 survive?
On May 4, 2022, James Keresey wrote:


I'm afraid not. I believe all the PT Boats in Westpac were either burned or used for target practice.

Incidentally, I forgot to mention the 2002 Discovery Channel documentary, "The Search for PT 109". My father was part of the Bob Ballard expedition to the Solomon Islands. It was sponsored by National Geographic and the Kennedy family. Dad was asked to go as the "resident expert". He was 86 at the time and loved every minute of it. In the process, he became good friends with Max Kennedy, RFK's youngest son. You can find the program on YouTube. It is definitely worth watching.
On May 3, 2022, James Keresey wrote:


I want through my archives to see what I can find. Meanwhile, this picture was taken directly from the hardcopy version of his book, page 58. The caption reads "Dick Keresey (right) with close friend and favorite wingman Dave Payne, captain of PT 106."Dave Payne and Dick Keresey

Torpedo Squadron Five stood up in June, 1942 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. That's when my father went to the Elco Boat Works in Bayonne, NJ to pick up PT-103. I believe LCDR [movie star] Robert Montgomery was the executive officer of squadron five at the time. When most of the boats left for Panama in early August, Montgomery (38 at the time) most likely stayed behind at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. My guess is the Navy saw him as much more valuable for selling war bonds and doing other publicity than having him disappear into the South American jungle and then onto the Solomons [Islands]. My father thought he was a great guy; very down to earth. According to Fad, Montgomery pretty much stuck to the Brooklyn Base due to his fame. Or at least that's the excuse he gave his junior officers.


As executor of the Richard E Keresey estate, I give you permission to reprint the 1998 American Heritage article for any Packard Club publication free of charge. As a favor, please let members know about my father's book, "PT - 105". As we discussed, it's available directly from the US Naval Institute, or through Amazon. I have a feeling you were going to do that anyway.

Great talking with you, Dwight. If I can be of any further help, let me know.
On May 30, 2022, James Keresey wrote:


Another great source of info is the national archives. My father's actual PT-105 logbooks were in the National Archives bldg in downtown DC. They also have a location in Maryland that handles mostly photo information. Of course, that was almost 30 years ago when I was my dad's "research assistant". All that info may be available online. The logbook was kept by the boat's quartermaster, so it did not go into great detail. I used them primarily to verify dates and locations for major events. Still, it was amazing to handle the real thing.

Film star Lieutenant Commander Robert Montgomery, far right, at Packard Motor Car Co. about 1942. Packard's VP Defense George Brody (in Homburg). Photo taken in the Marine Engine Div. buildings 16 and 18 where the PT Boat engines were made, model 4M2500 vee twelve.

Robert Montgomery Lt. Commander Robert Montgomery at The Packard Motor Car Co. plant at 1580 E. Grand Blvd, Detroit, about 1943, with his 1942 Packard Clipper courtesy car. Photos by Packard Photographic and are courtesy of the Packard Motor Car Foundation and Bruce Blevins

Captain Robert J. Bulkeley, Jr. USN (Retired), referred to in this Packard News. Release of March 16, 1944, and recipient of the Medal of Honor, authored a book on his experiences with PT Boats during World War II titled "At Close Quarters – PT Boats in the United Staates Navy," published by the United States Navy and printed by the US Government Printing Office, 1963. This is a very fine book covering PT Boat operations in detail, with lots of photos and an extensive index of those who served, died and were part of the PT Boat squadrons. Packard is mentioned many times as Cap. Bulkeley was an admirer of the Packard Motor Car Company and its contributions to the war effort.

Com. Bulkeley Packard News - pg1

Com. Bulkeley Packard News - pg2

Com. Bulkeley Packard News - pg3